Cheap Text to Speech Solutions for PCs
I've been trying to think of other alternatives to the expensive software suites for my PC users who are trying new ways of writing. I'm interested in some text to speech solutions for both web browsing for research purposes and for writing. I need something that can call out text as it is inputted or words as they are inputted from either a standard keyboard or an intelligent or other onscreen keyboard.
I found this site as a good starting point. I'll come back and edit this as I review the titles here:
Update: I got a chance to install and try out Voiced Keyboard 3. This is located on the 2nd page in the above link. It pretty much does exactly what I need it for. I wish it could also speak the entire sentence in addition to character and words. It also has a read feature where you can cut and paste any text you want into the read menu and it will read all the text for you.
Read-e PLUS is supposed to be some sort of talking browser. Sounds promising. So far, this is an impressive program, especially for $11! The demo limits the amount of browsing you can do, but you can use the encyclopedia page on the demo home page and get a real good feel for what this program can do. The highlights are: 1. It highlights text as it reads each word (nice!), 2. It has a built in word processor, 3. It has a built in dictionary and thesaurus, which is very useful in both word processing and web browsing mode. This seems to work very well!